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Sign Up for a Free Plan Comparison Review with Nikki

How do you know if your church is getting the most out of your health insurance? Does your current plan have the right benefits? Is it making good use of your church’s financial resources?

Comparing plan options is the first step to answering these questions.

Choose the date/time that works best for you to schedule a free insurance plan comparison.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • A 30-minute virtual meeting with one of our personal health insurance advisors.
  • An overview of your current benefits vs. potential benefits your church could be missing out on when switching plans.
  • A cost comparison of your current plan vs. what it would look like to switch plans.

Ready to get started? 

  1. Choose the best date and time to schedule your free plan comparison meeting. 
  2. Send us your current Summary of Benefits Coverage before the meeting (we’ll help you find that!).
  3. Meet with one of our expert personal health insurance advisors for a side-by-side comparison of your current health insurance plans vs. what you’d receive if you switch to a Reformed Benefits Association plan.
  4. Receive the information you need to start getting the most out of your church’s health insurance plan.